Beijing Tong Ren Tang, the renowned traditional Chinese medicine company, has been a household name in China for centuries. Moreover, it has been carving out a global reputation since the 1990s.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang (Auckland) Company Limited was established on September 27, 2014, also known as New Zealand’s largest Chinese medicine service organization, is affiliated with Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited. Currently, our company has 8 chain stores and one wholesale center covering the North Island and South Island of New Zealand.

Our 7 chain stores not only retail thousands of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products but also provide TCM services, such as TCM consultation, herbalism, acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Tui-Na(remedial massage), dietary therapy, cosmetology, and weight loss. All of our TCM practitioners have Chinese Doctor’ licenses and been registered in Hong Kong headquarter. They are highly experienced in treating pain, male and female infertility, skin problems, obesity, hay fever, and other diseases. According to our records, the annual TCM treatment volume reached more than 30,000 person-times.

“An overseas Beijing Tong Ren Tang is both an economic entity and a culture carrier”. We aim to supply TCM services, as well as disseminate TCM knowledge and culture to New Zealanders.

Practicing Medicine to Save Lives

Centuries of Inheritance

Brand Origin

Founded in 1669 (Eighth year on the throne of Emperor Kangxi, Qing Dynasty), Tong Ren Tang has a history of over 350 years. Yue Xianyang, as the imperial physician at that time, was the founder of Tong Ren Tang. He established the first drug hall to serve the public in good medicines. This drug hall was named “Tong Ren” as Yue Xianyang liked the term of “Tong Ren” for its meaning and elegance in sound. “Tong Ren”, sourced from Yi Jing, means just and fair to everyone in Chinese. And, the legend of Tong Ren Tang starts.

For the efficacy and high quality of medicines of Tong Ren Tang, they were nominated by Emperor Yong as the imperial medicine supplier for the royal family in 1723. Since then, the nomination had lasted for 188 years over the reign of eight emperors during the Qing Dynasty. All along the years, Beijing Tong Ren Tang constantly incorporates the motto spirit of “Despite the complexity of processing medicine, no compromise on cost; despite the rareness of ingredients, no compromise on quality.” With the ancient prescriptions and imperial secret receipt, they researched and developed lots of TCM products to serve the world.